The Black Peoples Union is a revolutionary organisation that aims to empower Indigenous people in Australia through the pursuit of full self-determination and sovereignty. We believe that as sovereign Indigenous people we have the right to manage our own political, social, and economic affairs as we see fit, without interference from outside forces.

Our organisation is made up of a passionate and dedicated collective who are committed to fighting for the rights of First Nations people. We understand that the history of colonisation in Australia has had a devastating impact on our communities, and we are determined to work towards a future where we can heal from the trauma of the past and build a better future for ourselves and future generations.

We at the Black Peoples Union refuse to be beholden to the rules and regulations dictated by bodies such as the ACTU and State and Federal Governments and believe that, as Sovereign People, we have the right to participate in economic and political self-determination as we deem fit and on our own terms by acting independently and without regard to these bodies and the crippling rules and regulations they place on other unions and progressive associations.

Black Peoples Union provides political education and training to our members to ensure we are equipped to fight for our rights to the best of our abilities, to remain one step ahead of the system at all times, and to exert our Sovereign authority in a practical and effective manner while building political consciousness within the Indigenous community and beyond.

Black Peoples Union vows to uphold Indigenous Sovereignty over our land and waters and improve and protect the rights and conditions of both employed and unemployed Indigenous workers across the continent in the workplace, in the community, and incarcerated in the prison systems of the colonial government.

We believe that the only way to achieve true self-determination and sovereignty for First Nations people is through the collective action of our communities. We call on all people to join us in this fight, to work together to demand our rights and to push for systemic change.

We understand that this is not an easy task, and that it will take time and effort to achieve our goals. But we are confident that by working together, we can achieve a brighter future for all Indigenous people.

We invite all members of the community to join us in our fight for self-determination and sovereignty. Together, we can make a real difference and create a better future for our people.

We understand that the road ahead may be challenging, but we are resolved and determined to continue to fight for our rights, our culture, and our land. We will not stop until we achieve full self-determination and sovereignty for all First Nations people in Australia.

Join the Black Peoples Union today and be a part of the movement for change. Together, we can create a brighter future for our people and for future generations.