“We must never stop explaining. We know that when the people understand, they cannot help but follow us”
- Thomas Sankara

At the Black Peoples Union, we assert that political education is not just important, but essential for revolutionary change. In so-called Australia and across the west in general, political education for the masses is missing. As a result, the working class is unprepared to confront and dismantle the entrenched systems of colonialism, capitalism, and systemic racism. Without a profound grasp of these oppressive structures, any efforts at change will be superficial and doomed to fail.

Thomas Sankara's words, "We must never stop explaining. We know that when the people understand, they cannot help but follow us," resonate deeply with our mission. We are committed to the long term pursuit of political education, aimed at awakening the consciousness of the people. 

Our education initiatives are designed to dismantle the lies of the colonial narrative, exposing the exploitative nature of capitalist systems and the insidiousness of systemic racism. Through rigorous and unapologetic political education, we aim to arm the people with the knowledge necessary to challenge and overthrow these oppressive systems. The path to liberation is through revolutionary education, and we are steadfast in our commitment to lead this charge.

The BPU runs a range of education programs for the general public which includes regular education classes on political theory and history, holding seminars and workshops, guest lecturing at universities and high schools, regular appearance on radio programs, managing a digital library of revolutionary material and disseminating our messaging through other media.