Blak Sovereign Movement


Today members of the Black Peoples Union attended a meeting of the Blak Sovereign Movement at Parliament House Canberra.

The Blak Sovereign movement is a collective of Grass-roots First Nations People from across the continent involved in the decades long struggle for Land Rights, Self-Determination and our Sovereignty.

Today the Movement declared their opposition to the Voice To Parliament and Uluru Statement from the Heart and again reaffirmed our rejection of the illegal Colonial occupation of our lands and waters by the British Commonwealth. We place no faith in the oppressive and genocidal system to liberate us from the very same chains they bind us with - our liberation can only come from our own actions, not reforms and tokenism from the colonial system.

Today, we presented the Commonwealth with a blanket and some beads. This symbology represents us returning to the monarchy the same trinkets that were presented to us when they laid claim to our land.

The Blak Sovereign Movement rejects the Voice to Parliament. The Voice to Parliament is NOT Self-Determination, it is a continuation of the same paternalistic racism that has been used against us for 235 years. We are being forced into this process under duress, as they grab us by the hand and drag us to this referendum to participate in a process that is only going to further legitimise this illegal colony. The Government continues to tell us that this process won't harm our Sovereignty - but they refuse to answer us when we ask how they define our Sovereignty. Our Sovereignty comes from our ability to self-govern our own affairs and manage our own lands, but an advisory body to a foreign colonial occupation with no powers falls dramatically short of any kind of self-governance.

The Government and the Uluru Statement from the Heart reduces our Sovereignty to a romanticised spiritual notion with no real political, economic or social power. We at the BPU agree with the Government on one thing though - this won’t impact our real, political Sovereignty because our actual Sovereignty is already under attack everyday by a colonial government who denies its existence and violently prevents us from exercising it.

The Black Peoples Union will continue to actively organise against the colony and continue our struggle for Sovereignty, Self-Determination and Land Back


Qld Parliament's suspension of the Human Rights Act
