In Solidarity with Palestine

The Black Peoples Union unequivocally stands in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance fighters who, with unwavering courage, have undertaken the struggle to liberate their people and reclaim their land from the illegal occupation and colonial project of Israel.

We draw striking parallels between the Palestinian resistance to Israeli colonization backed by western imperialism, and the historical struggle of First Nations peoples in Australia against colonization and western imperialism. The experiences of dispossession, displacement, genocide, and the relentless fight for self-determination resonate deeply across these seemingly disparate struggles.

In the face of oppression, we support the Palestinian people's pursuit of liberation by any means necessary. This phrase captures the deep resolve of a people seeking freedom and justice, a sentiment that echoes through the history of our own struggle in Australia. The fight for self-determination is not limited by geography; it is a universal call echoing across the lands of the oppressed. 

It is crucial to call-out the poisonous nature of Western chauvinism, a toxic mindset that brazenly declares the supposed superiority of Western ideals and practices over the rich tapestry of diverse cultures and histories of other nations. The BPU rejects any form of qualified support that fuels this racist fire. True solidarity demands more than just lip service, it requires our unreserved support. 

We vehemently champion an approach that not only recognizes but amplifies the agency and voices of the Palestinian people, vehemently pushing back against Western-centric perspectives. In our solidarity, we strive for nothing less than the complete dismantling of the oppressive structures that perpetuate such insidious ideologies.

We condemn the Australian government’s support of Israel, we condemn the western media’s racist reporting on Palestinian resistance, and we condemn anyone who turns their backs on Palestinian liberation at this critical moment. Now is not the time to be qualifying your support. Now is the time to stand in unwavering solidarity with the colonised as they return the violence inflicted by their coloniser in pursuit of their liberation. We urge our allies to resist liberal civility politics and stand firm in your support for justice and freedom. 

As we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, we recognize the interconnectedness of our struggles against colonization and imperialism. It is only through unity, understanding, and collective action that we can dismantle oppressive systems and pave the way for a future where all peoples can live free. 

The BPU envisions a world where the collective struggles of Indigenous peoples globally, whether in Australia, Palestine, West Papua, South America, Africa, or beyond, come together in a shared pursuit of liberation. It is a vision that transcends borders and challenges the structures of power that perpetuate colonization and imperialism.

In echoing the powerful sentiment of Malcolm X, the BPU asserts that the quest for liberation is a righteous cause that demands unyielding dedication. We support the Palestinian people in their pursuit of liberation by any means necessary, recognizing that the right to resist oppression is fundamental to the human spirit. Palestine is a beacon of hope for humanity and has our unwavering solidarity from the river to the sea. 

Death to imperialism! Long live Palestine! 


Demanding Accountability and Cultural Reform within the Queensland Police Service