Demanding Accountability and Cultural Reform within the Queensland Police Service


As a revolutionary organisation, The Black Peoples Union stands as an advocate for justice and the elimination of racial discrimination. As a part of our mission towards landback and liberation we demand that the voices of First Nations, marginalised and minority people and communities on this continent are heard.

We demand that the systemic issues and serious cultural problems within the Queensland Police Service revealed in the recent Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence are properly addressed, and that the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody are implemented immediately.

We also assert that the views recently voiced by Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers in the News Corp press, must be heavily condemned for what they are: fear mongering, disgusting, incorrect and racist.

Especially when First Nation youth are already over incarcerated and the Queensland Government’s recent media release states that the rate of unique youth and adult offenders lowest on record in over a decade.

We are witnessing the persistence of these issues that disproportionately impact First Nations people and our communities and assert that these issues ultimately stem from a complete lack of accountability and leadership within the Queensland Police Service. The cultural problems documented in the inquiry and opinions of Ian Leavers have not only completely eroded trust in the Queensland Police Service by the general public, but more importantly serve to perpetuate systemic oppression of and discrimination towards First Nations people.

We join the growing chorus of voices in calling for meaningful change, and we believe that change must begin with accountability. To this end, we issue the following demands:

  1. Resignation of the President of the Queensland Police Union Ian Leavers: We assert that a change in leadership at the Queensland Police Union is essential. The President's role is instrumental in influencing the direction and policies of the union, which in turn impacts the culture and actions of the Queensland Police Service. Only a change in leadership can signify a commitment to radical cultural change and accountability within the Queensland Police Service.

  2. Addressing Cultural Problems within the Queensland Police Service: We call upon the Queensland Police Commissioner, as the highest-ranking officer of the police force, to take immediate and substantial action to address the deeply rooted cultural issues identified in the recent inquiry. This action should be comprehensive, encompassing systemic reform, increased transparency, and heightened accountability mechanisms.

It is imperative that the Queensland Police Commissioner and the Queensland Police Union show some real leadership and not only make serious efforts to implement real change, but also engage directly with the community. The input of marginalised people and communities is essential for ending the war on First Nations people and First Nations deaths in custody. We invite all concerned community members and organisations to join us in demanding these changes. Together, we can work towards landback, liberation, and an end to colonial occupation.

In Solidarity,

The Black Peoples Union


In Solidarity with Palestine


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